Your Copy Of 'Finally Find Freedom' Will Show You How To:

"Craft Your Life Vision... Identify Your Chains And Break Free Of Them!"

"I’m so glad I took this book away on holiday instead of the usual trashy romance novel!" - Amazon Reader


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What If you really could have more control over your time freedom, success and happiness..?

From: Philip Wride

Dubai, UAE

Do you have a burning feeling inside that the life you currently have isn't the one you are meant to be living?

Do you get up each morning knowing that you are meant for more?

Would you like more time freedom to do what you want, when you want and how you want?

It might be that life's 12 hidden chains are holding you back.

You Can Have The Life Of Your Dreams...

But only if you truly understand what's keeping you stuck...

  • Finally Find Freedom will help you get crystal clear on how you want to live your life

  • Finally Find Freedom will help you understand how life's 12 Chains are holding you back

  • Finally Find Freedom will show you the way to more freedom, success and happiness

Jack Canfield wrote that...

"It is time to stop looking outside yourself for the answers to why you haven't created the life and results you want, for it is you who creates the quality of the life you lead and the results you produce."

You life matters, and this book is your guide to uncovering what's really stopping you from creating the quality of life you desire

Finally Find Freedom Has Already Helped Countless People Around The World...


If You're Sick And Tired Of Feeling Stuck And Frustrated Then Read These Comments From Actual Readers...

One thing I found awesome about this book is the applicable exercises designed to help you put these ideas into action in your personal situations. In a way, this also doubles as a workbook and does not just provide the information, but also ways to action it!

Overall, this was a very informative read and the perfect length for this style of book. It felt long enough and very detailed without the sense of filler content or dragging it out.

Philip has done a great job of bringing together the complexities of busy lives and contrasting them with our dreams and aspirations in a way that enables you to plan and process where you are now with where you want to be. He gives some great tools and techniques for how to achieve this but it is up to you to action them.

The question really is do you dare to try?! After all nothing changes if you keep doing the same thing.

I appreciated how each of the 12 chains was clearly broken down, making it easy to identify and tackle the barriers that stand in the way of our personal dreams.

What I found particularly valuable were the actionable tools and tasks—each one feels achievable and is thoughtfully designed to guide you toward success in your own unique vision for yourself.

If you’re someone seeking to break through the barriers that are keeping you from realising your true desires, this book could be the perfect resource for you!

Part 1 of the book resonated with me as yes, we want to know where we are going in life , and sometimes we get stopped in our tracks and changes where we are going, this book breaks that down and reminds us to step back and reflect and create new plans.

In part of my job role, we speak a lot about the fear sphere and depending on where people are that it can hold someone back - this book allows you to break it down and bring you into a place of self awareness where you will be able to identify what you would like to change/develop on, analyse how you want to/are going to do it and also allow you to break it down to make it manageable.

I loved the activities at the end of each part that allow you to sit and start your new journey of self development.

"Finally Find Freedom" will resonate deeply with fans of self-help success guides, seeking practical strategies for personal development and empowerment. Wride's blend of personal narrative, practical advice, and thought-provoking insights offers a holistic approach to breaking free from life's constraints and realizing one's fullest potential. Whether readers seek clarity on their life's purpose, liberation from self-imposed limitations, or practical strategies for success, this book provides a roadmap for transformative change.

This was a really enjoyable read! Philip did a great job of providing an analogous theme (the 12 chains that hold us back, and how to break them), including practical tips and tricks on how to identify, analyze, and address factors in your life that don't serve you. It was well constructed, well written, and (most importantly), helpful in bring new tips, tricks, and strategies to the fore that can be applied immediately. Really enjoyed this!

Philip Wride offers such profound insight into areas of our lives that hold us back in unexpected ways and shows us how to make them work for us, instead. Filled with vignettes from his own life along with teachings and quotes from other renowned leaders, this book is very relatable and inspiring. Thank you for using lessons you learned the hard way as a springboard to help others like me. Well worth the read!

I’m so glad I took this book away on holiday instead of the usual trashy romance novel!

I’m really at a point in life where I’m struggling to get going and I just can’t work out why. I want to do better but struggle every time I push forward. This book really made me look and think about the reasons why, what was really holding me back. I loved the activities at the end of each chapter, it really helped me to use the new knowledge instantly and start moving. The author talks about his personal struggles which I find motivating as I feel like they have had struggles too.

I’m really excited to push and see what the future holds!

This is an incredible book full of interesting detailed information and activities to help on your journey of self discovery and to stop holding yourself back and finally letting go

The author's writing is so engaging and easy to follow throughout the book, which is always a huge standout point when it comes to any self-help book. I found the different techniques and exercises used within this book to help you on your journey were both extremely helpful and added that extra personal touch to the book.

I love hearing stories from other people on their journey and how they have evolved into the person they are now. Reading this book was fascinating as seeing the way in which Philip Wride has taken adversity and used it to thrive, I enjoyed the step by step guided aspect with resources that I could download and use within my own time frame. I find myself often living in the what ifs as a long time sufferer of anxiety and the processes in this book could help me alot in building the life I want to have rather than the panic of it all going wrong.

I'm excited to refer back to this book and see where my
plans help me get to.

By combining years of research and a simple but powerful framework, this book can help you to achieve your goals. Both relatable and easy-to-follow activities combine for a powerful one-two punch. Even with the best intentions, we often get stuck. Wride outlines twelve chains to help pinpoint common pitfalls that mire us down. The worksheets and trackers included in the book are invaluable especially the TALE grid to gain clarity. Recommend for insightful self-advice.

I enjoyed reading the book very much and learning specific steps to be able to reach my goals successfully and have a guide that keeps me on top of everything, from managing my time better, setting my own schedule, to fit all goals, my projects, activities and daily routines in my weekly schedule/agenda. One day I may be able to say I found my financial freedom through this book. (Hopefully!)

PS. I’m so glad to have found and read this book it is something I was asking the universe for. Love it! ❤️ 🙏


Finally Find Freedom Has Already Helped Countless People Around The World...

The Question Is, Are YOU Next?

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Freedom Tracker


This bonus is a PDF copy of the accompanying Freedom Tracker Journal to help you chart your progress to freedom.


Freedom Hunter


Embrace the Freedom Hunter mindset with cheat sheets, videos, worksheets and more in this exclusive toolkit.


6-Month Access to Freedom Hunters Club

This bonus is all about community and collaboration. You'll get 6-months of free access to FHC, our community hub.


3 Life Secrets Audio Recordings

This fast start bonus provides 3 audio recordings about the 12 chains and the 4 steps you can take to break them.


Private Online


Join this exclusive webinar to hear directly from Philip and some of the personal stories he included in the book.

Are You ready to break free of life's 12 hidden chains?

When You Get This Best Selling Book...

Here Are A Few Of The Secrets You'll Discover...

  • The one exercise you need to help you create a crystal clear vision of the life you want

  • How Location, Time and Speed are Chains that keep us stuck

  • Which of the 12 Chains are the easiest to break and why

  • The 4 step method for breaking a Chain and finding more freedom

  • The importance of saying No and how to avoid people pleasing

  • The 3C Model to Progress and how these 3C's shape all aspects of our lives

  • How to adopt the mindset of a Freedom Hunter and achieve your goals

AND Unlock these exclusive bonuses when you order today...


Freedom Tracker


This bonus is a PDF copy of the accompanying Freedom Tracker Journal to help you chart your progress to freedom.

(VALUE: $47)


3 Life Secrets Audio Recordings

This fast start bonus provides 3 audio recordings about the 12 chains and how to break them.



The Freedom Hunter Toolkit

Embrace the Freedom Hunter mindset with cheat sheets, videos, worksheets and more in this exclusive toolkit.

(VALUE: $147)



Lifetime VIP Status At Every 'Find Your Freedom' Virtual Summit

You'll get extra content and extra access at every virtual summit I host

(VALUE: $399)

Like I mentioned before, if you buy the book I'm covering the shipping cost.

Oh, and in case you're wondering...

There Is NO Catch!

There's no hidden continuity program, no recurring payments and no future obligations - and in case you're wondering why I'm doing this...

Well, there are actually a few reasons...

  • In January 2020 I broke my neck playing rugby, couldn't afford the surgery and walked out of the hospital putting faith in my body's ability to heal. If the injury had been any worse I could have been laid on the pitch as a hollow shell. It sounds grim but it's the truth.

  • I'm driven by the big question from the first personal development course I took and it was about "impact and contribution" and "what would be said at my funeral". You can hopefully see how these two things go hand-in-hand. It nearly was time for my funeral and that's why I'm now on a mission to help people find more freedom in their lives.

  • Freedom has always been my highest level value and why I've been an entrepreneur since the age of 16. I want to help you create the life you dream of because we are all worth that.

  • And I get a product in your hands which helps me in two ways - if you get value you'll tell other people and that helps spread the message, and perhaps in the future you'll be interested in buying something else, like a ticket to a live event.

Time is of the essence...

Here's why...

My team keep telling me we lose money on every purchase because of the printing and shipping costs and they want me to stop selling it this way.

The next time you visit this page they may have got their way and taken the offer down.

And here's a crazy guarantee for you...

If you 100% don't find the book valuable and have some major "aha" moments, then I'll refund you and let you keep the book anyway.

That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. Just email me and I'll give you back your money with no question asked. (My team hate me for this!)

Sound fair?

Here's Everything you get when you order 'finally find freedom' today...

  • Paperback Copy of Finally Find Freedom

  • Freedom Tracker Journal Digital PDF

  • 3 Life Secrets Audio

  • Freedom Hunter Toolkit

  • Lifetime VIP For Find Your Freedom Summits

  • ($17 Value)

  • ($47 Value)

  • ($57 Value)

  • ($147 Value)

  • ($399 Value)

  • Paperback Copy of Finally Find Freedom ($17 Value)

  • Freedom Tracker Journal ($47 Value)

  • 3 Life Secrets Audio ($57 Value)

  • Freedom Hunter Toolkit ($147 Value)

  • Lifetime VIP For Find Your Freedom Summits ($399 Value)

Total Value: $667

Get Your Copy Today For Only $15
(and I'll pay the shipping)

This is truly a limited off, so claim your copy now before they're all gone...

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you enjoy the book!


Philip Wride

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm mailing you a 178-page paperback book, "Finally Find Freedom - How To uncover And Break Life's 12 Hidden Chains And Find More Freedom, Success And Happiness" and I'm covering the shipping fee. All you have to pay is the $15 cost of the book.

There's no gimmicks...You will NOT be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.

In fact, if you don't love the book - I'll even refund the cost of the book (and you don't have to ship the book back)

So, Click the button below to get your copy now. You won't regret it.

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I'd like to send you a copy of this book to your doorstep ASAP!

Like I mentioned before, the shipping is free. I'll pay for the shipping and all I ask is that you help me cover the cost of the book and we'll send it anywhere in the world!


Freedom Tracker


This bonus is a PDF copy of the accompanying Freedom Tracker Journal to help you chart your progress to freedom.


Freedom Hunter


Embrace the Freedom Hunter mindset with cheat sheets, videos, worksheets and more in this exclusive toolkit.


6-Month Access to Freedom Hunters Club

This bonus is all about community and collaboration. You'll get 6-months of free access to FHC, our community hub.


3 Life Secrets Audio Recordings

This fast start bonus provides 3 audio recordings about the 12 chains and the 4 steps you can take to break them.


Private Online


Join this exclusive webinar to hear directly from Philip and some of the personal stories he included in the book.

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